Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories

Defining energy in four spatial dimensions.

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We have shown throughout this blog observations of our environment suggest the universe may be composed of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four-dimensional space-time.

The observation that the energy contained in systems is related to distance not time is one of them.
For example, the potential energy per unit volume of water in a dam is related to the distance separating the surface of the water from the bottom of the dam

We also observe the kinetic energy of an orbiting satellite is oppositely directed form the gravitational potential energy stored within the mass it is orbiting.

However these observations support the assumption made in the article “The Reality of the Fourth Spatial Dimension” that both gravitational, kinetic and potential energy is related to distance not time because the energy of the water in a dam and the velocity or distance an object travels per unit of time remains constant no matter how much time has passed unless it is acted upon by some outside force.

Granted the power an energy source can generate is determined by the rate or time required for the dissipation of its energy however, the total quantity of energy in a closed system is never observed to be effected by the passage of time.

This suggests the energy contained in all systems is related to a spatial not a time property of a dimension.

As was shown in the article “The Reality of the Fourth Spatial Dimension“ one can define the causality of energy in terms of a curvature or displacement in a “surface” of a three-dimensional space manifold with respect to a fourth *spatial* dimension as well as one in a space-time environment.

Einstein himself told us this when he qualitatively and quantitatively defined the geometric properties energy in his a space-time universe in terms of the equation E=mc^2 and the constant velocity of light.  This is because it allows one to redefine a unit of time he associated with energy in his space-time universe to unit of space in one consisting of only four *spatial* dimensions. 

In other words by defining the geometric properties of a space-time universe in terms of the equation E=mc^2 and the constant velocity of light he provided a qualitative and quantitative means of redefining energy component of time a space-time universe in a spatial one in four *spatial* dimensions.

However doing so allows one to form a clear physical image of the properties of both gravity and kinetic energy. Because as that article showed gravitational potential can be derived in terms of spatial displacement in a “surface” of a three-dimensional space manifold with respect to a fourth *spatial* dimension while the kinetic energy associated with motion in terms of an oppositely directed one.

In other words it gives one the ability to understand the asymmetrical relationship between gravitational and kinetic energy by defining them in terms of oppositely directed physical movements or displacements in a “surface” of a three-dimensional space manifold with respect to a fourth *spatial* dimension instead of four dimensions space time. This is because observations of our three-dimensional environment tell us that one can move asymmetrically in two directions upward or downwards in a *spatial* dimension whereas time is only observed to move in one direction forward.

This shows why it would be more consistent observations to define space and derive potential, kinetic and gravitational energy in terms of the existence of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four-dimensional space-time.

It should be remember Einstein’s genius tells us that an all forms of energy can be defined in both a space-time environment and one consisting of four spatial dimension because as was shown above his mathematics to define two identical universes; one in four dimensional time and another made up of only four *spatial* dimensions

Later Jeff

Copyright 2007 Jeffrey O’Callaghan

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