Why we cannot see 25% percent of the universe mass

Scientists have determined that roughly 70% of the Universe is dark energy while Dark matter makes up about 25%. The normal matter or everything ever observed with all of our instruments adds up to less than 5% of the Universe.  The evidence for the existence of Dark matter comes from the detained analysis of the … Read more

The field properties of Dark Matter

We have shown throughout this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth *Spatial* Dimension” there are many theoretical advantages to assuming the existence and four *spatial* dimensions instead of four-dimensional space-time. One of them is that it would provide an alternative explanation that is more consistent with the observed properties of Dark … Read more

Quantum gravity and the Theory of Everything

The effort to unify all of the forces and laws of nature or find a “Theory of Everything” has primarily focused on explaining gravity in terms of the concepts contained in quantum mechanical field theories. However, it is unfortunate that some have not made an effort to find it in terms of its continuous properties … Read more