Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories

The conservation of space-time.

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In physics, the conservation laws state the measurable property of an isolated physical system does not change as the system evolves over time. They include the laws of conservation of energy, linear momentum, angular momentum, and electric charge.

However these laws suggest the existence of another more fundamental one that physically defines their causality.
For example Einstein told us that time dilates and space contracts as the energy and momentum of reference frames increase.

In other words there appears to a one to one correspondence between the effects momentum and energy has on the dimensional properties of space-time.

However the fact that the energy and momentum have a common effect on those properties suggests there may be a physical connection between them and their conservation laws.

For example Einstein told us the mass of a particle created in accelerators increases the curvature in space-time causing the physical distance between two points external to it to decrease by a measurable amount.  If that particle decays that curvature returns to where it was before that mass was created.  In other words physical properties of space are conserved in the creation, destruction or redistribution of mass.  Additionally he also told us that concentrating it in the form of a particle causes time to dilate by a measurable amount with respect to its external space-time environment and when that particle decays time is returned to normal rate of change. 

In other words in all reactions involving mass the physical properties of space-time are conserved because they always return to their original value before it was either created or destroyed.

One can also connect the causality of the law of conservation of all forms of energy to the physical properties of a space-time environment.

For example it can be shown the causality of charge conservation is also directly related to the symmetries of the space-time environment defined by Einstein.

However it will be easier to explain if one coverts it to its equivalent in four *spatial* dimensions.

(The reason will become obvious later on in this discussion.)

Einstein gave us the ability to do this when defined the geometric properties of space-time in terms of the constant velocity of light because that provided a method of converting a unit of time in a space-time environment to a unit of space in four *spatial* dimensions. Additionally because the velocity of light is constant he also defined a one to one quantitative and qualitative correspondence between his space-time universe and one made up of four *spatial* dimensions.

The fact that one can use Einstein’s theories to qualitatively and quantitatively derive the displacement he associated with energy in a space-time universe in terms of four *spatial* dimensions is the bases for assuming as was done in the article “Defining energy” Nov 27, 2007 that all forms of energy including those associated with charge can be derived in terms of a spatial displacement in a “surface” of a three-dimensional space manifold with respect to a fourth *spatial* dimension.

This allows one to derive the physical properties of charge in terms a displacement in that “surface” with respect to a fourth *spatial* dimension.

For example if one raises a cup of water above its surface it will be given a measurable amount of potential energy with respect to that surface while at the same time a force will be developed that will be directed downward towards it.  Additionally the level of the water will be lowered by the exact amount that was removed by the lifting of the cup above its surface.  If one pours the water back the levels will return it original depth.  In other words the level of the water is conserved due to the symmetry of its surface levels.

However as was shown in the article “Defining energy” Nov 27, 2007 if one raises, with respect to a fourth *spatial* dimension the volume of three-dimension space associated with a charge it will be given a measurable amount of potential energy with respect to that “surface” while at the same time a force will be developed that will be directed downward towards it.  Additionally the energy level of three-dimensional space not associate with that charge will be lowered by the exact same amount.  If one calls the volume space that was raised up a negative charge one would call the lowering of the “surface” of three dimension space caused by that a positive charge. If one neutralizes the negative charge by bring it in contact with that “surface” it will return to its original level and the charge will be neutralized.  This shows how one can derive the causality of charge conservation in term of the symmetry imposed by Einstein theories. 

In other words symmetry imposed by Einstein’s space-time environment means that charge must be conserved because the creation of one must always be offset by the other.

This is true in environments consisting of either four *spatial* dimensions or four dimensional space-time because as was shown earlier they are quantitative and qualitative interchangeable.

However it also allows one to understand how the conservation laws of nature are physically connected to each other in terms of the physical geometry of our universe.

It should be remember Einstein’s genius allows us to choose to derive the conservation laws either a space-time environment or one consisting of four *spatial* dimension when he defined their environments in terms energy and the constant velocity of light. This interchangeability broadens the environment encompassed by his theories thereby giving us a new perspective on the origins of the conservation laws of physics.

Later Jeff

Copyright Jeffrey O’Callaghan 2016

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