Why the big Bang produced more Matter than antimatter

As reported in the April 27, 2009 NewScientist article “Where is all the antimatter?” one of the more perplexing unanswered questions in modern astrophysics is “Why is there more matter than anti-matter?”. The Big Bang theory suggests that matter and antimatter should have been produced in equal quantities.  Since collisions between matter and antimatter result … Read more

The geometry of quarks

We have shown throughout this blog that it is more consistent with observations to define the universe in terms of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four-dimensional space-time. The electrical properties of quarks are one of those observations. In the article “Why is energy/mass quantized?“  Oct. 4, 2007  it was shown the properties of a particle could … Read more

Spaceship Spitzer and the black hole

It should be remember both sides of most stories have a lesson. For example, many sci-fi writers use the fact that the gravitational force of a black hole is so intense that nothing can escape from its “clutches” to develop their story lines.  However, many of them fail to point out the other side of … Read more

Dark energy: the cosmological constant

We have shown throughout this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth *Spatial* Dimension” observations of our environment suggest the universe is composed of four *spatial* dimensions rather than four-dimensional space-time as is suggested by Einstein’s theories. The recent discovery of Dark Energy is one of those observations. As Alexey Vikhlinin of the … Read more

Black holes: Just two numbers is all you need

We have shown though out this blog observations of our environment suggest that space is composed of a continuous non-quantized field of energy/mass. The observation that one can completely define a black hole in terms of just two numbers; its mass and spin is one of them. The video to the right prepared by the Chandra … Read more