Gravitational lensing

We have shown throughout this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth *Spatial* Dimension” it is possible to define a universe in terms of four *spatial* dimensions in a manner that makes predictions identical with those of Einstein’s Special and General Theories of Relativity while at the same time defining several theoretical advantages … Read more

The field properties of the Gravitron

We have shown throughout this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth *Spatial* Dimension” there would be several theoretical advantages to defining space in terms of the continuous field properties of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four dimensional space-time. One of them is it would allow one to understand the graviton or the … Read more

Gravity verse Entropy

On page 297 of Sean Carroll’s book from “Eternity to Here” he discusses the difficulty in interrogating gravity with the second law of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics states the entropy or disorder of an isolated system either remains constant or increases with time and that no usable energy can be obtained from a … Read more

The geometry of a positron

We have shown throughout the this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth *Spatial* Dimension“  there are many theoretical advantages to defining the universe in terms of the geometry of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four dimensional space-time One is that it would give theoreticians the ability to understand and explain the origin … Read more

Maxwell’s equations in four *spatial* dimensions

We have shown throughout this blog there are many theoretical advantage to defining the universe in terms of the field properties of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four-dimensional space-time. One is that it would allow one to define a physical link between the quantum mechanical properties of electromagnetic energy, Maxwell’s equations and gravity by extrapolating the … Read more