Finally, someone found a physical link between the graviton and the photon

Presently the Standard Model of Particle Physics links the quantum properties of the Gravitron with electromagnetism through mathematics  However, for the past 50 years brightest minds in the scientist community have been unable to observe the Gravitron or the particle it assumes it responsible for the force of gravity. Some say this is because it … Read more

Quantum numbers: a classical interpretation

Quantum mechanics defines the spatial orientation of electrons in atoms only in terms of the probabilistic values associated with Schrödinger wave equation. In other words in a quantum system Schrödinger wave equation plays the role of Newtonian laws in that it predicts the future position or momentum of a electron in terms of a probability … Read more

Dark Matter and its affect on Hubble’s law

Would the existence of Dark Matter affect Hubble’s laws and our understanding of evolution of the universe? In the article “What is Dark Matter?” Sept 10, 2007 it was shown that assuming space is composed of a continuous field of energy/mass would give an explanation for the gravitational component of Dark Matter that is consistent … Read more

Linking gravitational and electrical forces

Richard Feynman on pages 24 and 25 of his book “The Character of Physical Laws” describes how both gravitational and electrical forces are linked in terms of a common relationship with respect to the inverse square law. “The inverse square law appears again in the electrical laws, for instance, electricity also exerts forces inversely as … Read more

Solving the Measurement Problem

The measurement problem in quantum mechanics is the unresolved problem of how (or if) wavefunction collapse occurs.  The inability to observe this process directly has given rise to different interpretations of quantum mechanics, and poses a key set of questions that each interpretation must answer.  The wavefunction in quantum mechanics evolves according to the Schrödinger … Read more