The physical significance of Planck’s constant

We have shown throughout this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth *Spatial* Dimension” there would be many theoretical advantages to defining space in terms four *spatial* dimensions instead of four-dimensional space-time. One is that it would allow for understanding of the physical significance of Planck’s constant in terms of the laws of … Read more

Time dilation in four *spatial* dimensions

We have shown throughout the this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth *Spatial* Dimension” there would many theoretical advantages to defining the universe in terms of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four dimensional space-time. One of them is that it would give explanation of why time is dilated in bodies that … Read more

Dark Energy in four *spatial* dimensions

In 1998 the Hubble Space Telescope when observing distant supernovae discovered that the Universe was expanding more slowly in the past than it is today. In other words the Universe has not been slowing due to gravity, as everyone thought, it has been accelerating.  No one expected this, no one knew how to explain it. … Read more

A Classical Quantum environment

Many scientists assume that we must define the “realty” or non-reality of our classical world based on the concepts defined by quantum mechanics.  For example the Copenhagen interpretation tells us that a particle is spread out as a wave over the entire universe and only appears in a specific place when a conscience observer looks … Read more

The illusion that is time.

Does time have a physical existence?  If it does why are we not able point to it and say there it is?  If it does not why do physicists define our universe in terms of its physical properties? This question is relevant because Einstein theories, the foundation of modern cosmology are based on the physical … Read more