Finding the graviton

One of the biggest problems in theoretical cosmology is understanding why we have been unable to observe the Graviton or the quantum of gravitational force.  Some have attributed this to the fact that its interaction with matter is not strong enough to be detected by modern instrumentation. However the reason may be because gravity is … Read more

A quantum of space-time

Both Einstein’s General and Special Theories of Relativity define macroscopic properties of energy/mass in terms of the continuous properties of four dimensional space-time while quantum mechanics defines its microscopic properties in terms of the discontinuous properties of three-dimensional space.  However finding a way of conceptually integrating them has proven to be extremely difficult for two … Read more

Light and the physicality of space

Albert Einstein in the address “Aether and the theory of Relativity” delivered on May 5th 1920 at the University of Leyden Germany indicated that The General Theory of Relativity predicts, “space is endowed with physical qualities”. “Recapitulating, we may say that according to the General Theory of Relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in … Read more

The causality of motion

According to Newton’s view, force does not the cause motion but only a change in it and because a freely moving object continues to move inertia and motion in itself needs no causal explanation. However as Gao, Shan points out in on page 29 of his book “God Does Play Dice with the Universe” there … Read more

The reality of Quantum Fields

Is it possible to define the physical “reality” of a Quantum field? We think so. Many including Albert Einstein and Erin Schrödinger, had difficulty accepting the “reality” of quantum mechanics because many of its concepts appear to contradict those of our observable universe. For example in a quantum system Schrödinger’s wave equation defines the field … Read more