The physical meaning of Schrödinger wave equation

Quantum mechanics defines our observable environment only in terms of the probabilistic values associated with Schrödinger’s wave equation. However it is extremely difficult to define a set of statements which explains how those probabilities are physically connected to it even though it has held up to rigorous and thorough experimental testing. This may be the … Read more

The “reality” of the Big Crunch

Astrophysicists  have identified three possible fates for the universe, one is called the Big Crunch, where gravity takes over and begins to pull the cosmos back, compressing to one point.  Another is the Big Rip, where the accelerative forces associated with Dark Energy causes it to expand at an every increasing rate until the galaxies, … Read more

Why the “Big Rip” cannot happen

Recent results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) confirmed that the universe is mainly made of “Dark Energy” thought to be responsible for the current acceleration of its expansion.  But what would happen if the rate of acceleration remained constant or increased with time?  The answer according to some is a “Big Rip” in … Read more

Spectral emissions as an emergent property of space-time

The Balmer series or Balmer lines in atomic physics, is the designation of one of a set of six different spectral emission lines of the hydrogen atom whose energy levels can calculated using an empirical equation discovered by Johann Balmer in 1885. Later Neils Bohr sought to explain them by using the Rutherford model of … Read more

Holding scientist’s accountable

Have you ever wondered why so many seeming rational scientists make irrational or groundless assumptions to explain why our universe is what it is? For example many proponents of the Big Bang theory assume the universe expanded from a singularity which is by definition a region of space in which mass is concentrated in a … Read more