Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories

The architect

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In an earlier article “The role of Imagination Aug. 27, 2007 it was shown why a theoretical model of the universe should be based on a combination of observations, experiences and imagination.

The reason why can be understood by examining how an architect designs a building.
For example, when an architect imagines a new building he uses his experiences with the structural properties of existing ones to give his imagination as reference point for its structural design.  He knows that without it, it would be very difficult for his imagination to create one with stable foundation.

However, many physicists define the physical structure of their theoretical models on abstract mathematical equations that are not defined by their observational experiences.

For example, physicists who are proponents of “The Theory of Relativity” base its theoretical structure on abstract mathematical modeling of the physical properties of time or a space-time dimension.  However, as was mentioned in the article The role of Imagination no one, including the physicists who developed “The Theory of Relativity” has ever observed or experienced its physical properties.

This means that the foundation of “The Theory of Relativity”, that time has physical properties is not part of a physicists experiences.  This also means the imaginative structures the physicists used to design or built the “Theory of Relativity” do not have reference point in their experiences.

As most architects will tell you without this reference point for the imagination, we cannot be sure that the structure physicists have build a space-time universe out of is “stable” or even exists.

We believe that science would be more apt to find the answers to the questions they cannot answer, such as the causality of dark Energy by taking a lesson from the architects and used their experiences along with their imaginations to build their theoretical models

In future articles this blog will show how one can give imagination a foundation in reality by extrapolating his or her experiences in our three-dimensional world to one of four *spatial* dimensions to it explain many of the observations that today’s paradigms cannot.

So please stop by again if you are interested in continuing an imaginative trip through our experiences to the realm of the unknown and unobservable

Thank you


Copyright Jeffrey O’Callaghan 2007

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